
Investing In What Matters Most

Compass has consistently ranked in the top 5% of ALL schools in Idaho. This achievement is due to a dedicated team of distinguished teachers, a culture that encourages excellence in both academics and conduct, and partnerships with parents who value a quality education for their children. While we believe that these human resources are more meaningful than monetary resources, the success of our program is dependent upon the financial support of our school families. Therefore, we hope you will consider investing in what matters most – your children.

Highest Need

Contributions to this unrestricted fund are applied wherever the need is the greatest.

Sustainability Fund

The Sustainability Fund will enable the school to thoughtfully address facility needs and improvements that are supported in strategic planning.

Student Activities Sponsorship

Contributions to this unrestricted fund are applied towards school clubs.

Athletics Sponsorship

We would proudly hang a banner representing your business/company in our gym.