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Do you currently have a driver's license? The drivers permit is NOT a license.
Only one pass per family will be issued.
Do you plan to drive at least 2 or more days per week?
Parking Applicant's / Student Name
Parent/Guardian Name
Student Grade

Vehicle #1 Information

Vehicle #2 Information

Only if applicable.

Pass Agreements

No student will be permitted to drive a car to school without a written application and a $25.00 per year parking fee. The completed application does not guarantee parking privileges for the student.
When the pass is issued, it will be under the following conditions: 1: The vehicle driven to school must display the official tag issued by the school on the upper corner of the back window. 2: Upon arrival at school, the car is to be parked and locked for the duration of the school day. 3: The laws of the State of Idaho and the City of Meridian are to be observed at all times. 4: The school cannot assume responsibility for the driver or his/her passengers. 5: Students must follow the traffic flow as presented in the “Traffic Flow Map”
Any student who violates school rules (including parking rules and regulations) and parks illegally, may be subject to disciplinary actions and loss of parking pass.
Students who are granted parking tags are expected to be in the designated vehicle.
THERE WILL BE NO SHARING OF PARKING PASSES. Replacement passes are $5.00 each.
Please note, when you decide to drive to school, it becomes your responsibility to get to school on time. The office will not excuse students who miss classes due to flat tire, engine trouble, cars that won’t start or other issues.
The speed limit for vehicles in the Compass parking lot is 5 m.p.h. Students must yield to pedestrians and other vehicles.
At the conclusion of the school day, drivers must exit properly. At no time should students drive between parked cars. Inappropriate driving will result in the loss of parking pass.
Bumping into/accidents on school property may result in parking pass suspension for the person(s) at fault.
A student shall never park in a handicap, visitor, or staff parking spots. Students must park in their designated parking spots. Violation may result in the vehicle being towed and the parking pass being suspended and/or revoked
Students may apply and be granted permission to drive and park a car in the school parking lot. Student cars parked on school premises are subject to search for controlled and other inappropriate materials. Applying to drive and park on school premises constitutes acceptance that there is no expectation of privacy for materials stored in the car while on school premises.

Parking Violations

Students not meeting the parking regulations and expectations are subject to the following violations:

  1. Warning (verbal or written)
  2. $35.00 fine
  3. Vehicle being towed at owners expense.
  4. Inability to purchase a pass or park on campus for the remainder of the year and in future years.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
picture of driver's license

Payment, $25: