Student Attendance, Checkout, Tardies
Coming to school every day, ready to learn, is important for your child’s success at Compass. Compass’ learning model is based on in-person learning. When students are not in class, they miss important instruction.
We have a school calendar that allows for vacations and appointments with weekly breaks built in and Mondays off. Please plan accordingly.
The expectation for Compass students is to commit to at least a 96% attendance rate.
All absences (including those deemed extraordinary, EXT, or doctor note excused, DNE), count toward the 96% attendance criteria. Students who fall below the 96% attendance expectation may be referred to a meeting with administration and/or the Board of Directors to address the attendance concern. No absences are “excused.”
If a student at the High School level accrues more than 6 absences in a single class period not deemed EXT or DNE, they may lose credit in that course.
Absence Procedure
If your student is going to be absent for all or part of the school day, parents can email [email protected] to inform them of the absence. We need the name, grade, and reason for the absence. If you have a professional note regarding the absence, you will need to provide that to the school as well. If you would prefer to call in the absence, please dial 208-888-5847 and follow the prompts.
Tardies & Checkouts
According to the board attendance policy, tardies are defined as arriving late or being picked up outside of the established time frame for any given class or school day.
For example:
- Arriving to school after the attendance bell
- Coming into a classroom after the tardy bell
- Checking out of school before the dismissal bell
- Late pick-ups after the front office has closed
Tardy Procedure
If your student is going to be tardy:
- The student must report to the front office to receive an admit slip before going to the classroom. Student in grades K-3 MUST be escorted by a parent into the building.
- Student will give the admit slip to their teacher. Depending on the time of arrival, the student may be marked as an absence or half-day for attendance.
Checkout Procedure
If your student is going to checkout early (considered a tardy):
- The parent or designated adult must bring their state-issued identification to the front office.
- Students will remain in class until someone from the front office calls for them to be dismissed. We do not call students out of class until the adult arrives on campus.
- Students grades 6-12 may not be checked out later than 2:15pm each day. Students grades K-5 may not be checked out later than 3:15pm each day.
Late Pick-Up Procedure
- If you know you will be arriving late (10 minutes or more) for pickup after school is released, it is helpful if you call ahead.
- If secondary student (grades 6-12) parents have not arrived by 3:00pm, students will be waiting outside in the front of the school for their ride to arrive.
- If elementary parents have not arrived by 4:00pm, students will be waiting in the principals office near the bus circle. Parents must park down by the bus loop and knock on the doors to pick up their student.
Tardies/Checkouts/Late Pick-ups
Consequences for tardies are addressed on a tiered model:
- Five (5) tardies = a school-assigned consequence or loss of privilege.
- Nine (9) tardies = a school-assigned consequence or loss of privilege.
- Twelve (12) tardies = referral to a hearing with the Board of Directors.