District Code for Mobile App: WRBG
Parent/Student Portal Brochure
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PowerSchool Parent Portal is a powerful, easy-to-use, secure communication tool connecting parents/guardians and schools.
Using the PowerSchool student information system, the Parent Portal allows collaboration to improve student achievement.
Navigation in Portal
Students and parents can see current course grades from the Grades and Attendance screen. To view more details about a course, click on the score listed. This will take you to Class Score Detail. You can view Assignments from the Grades and Attendance Tab. You can see Comments, if they are available on an assignment, Assignment description and Category description. You will also be able to see the Specials Codes on assignments by looking for the Purple-Exempt from Final Grade and looking at the code in the Grade column. Assignments that are missing or that have been turned in late also will show if the teacher marked them with the codes from the Legend at the bottom of the screen.
Use this page to view term grades for the selected student. The course, letter grade, percentage points, citizenship grade, and credit hours are noted for each term.
Note: To view the student’s graduation plan progress click View Graduation Progress. For more information, see Graduation Progress below.
How to View Grades History
The Graduation Progress page displays the student’s four-year graduation plan and the progress of those plans. Progress is indicated by the use of a
color-coded bar. Dark green indicates earned credits; light green indicates currently enrolled
credits; and yellow indicates requested/planned credits. A green checkmark indicates that a
requirement has been completely satisfied.
How to View Graduation Progress
Use this procedure to view course requirements and completion status.
The Attendance History page displays information about a student’s attendance record for
the current term. The legend at the bottom of the page displays the attendance codes and
their meanings.
How to View Attendance History
On the start page, click Attendance History from the navigation menu. The Attendance
History page displays the student’s attendance record for the current term.
Student progress reports are available to parents/guardians electronically through the parent/student portal. This can only be accessed through the PowerSchool Public (Parent/Student) Portal. It is not available using the PowerSchool Mobile app.